Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happenings - Week 28, 2008

This has been an eventful week. We definately enjoyed it tremendously and I am sure that I will miss T terribly when I am back in the office tomorrow.
We setup a little corner for our homeschool. I got a little frustrated of always having to clean up bits of papers around house, so I bought T a white board to draw on instead. White board is really convenient to posting up flash cards, photos, etc... with magnets too.
While using the magnets, I also introduced a little bit of science by discovering what is magnetic and will stick on the board and and will not.

We met up with Ling and Sophie for dinner and they came up to our place for a little play. It is really so amazing to hear Sophie speak. Very hard for me to connect the clear speech to such a little toddler. Here's a funny picture of the 2 kids playing. T looked like she's just got hit by a car.

School hunt season has started. T is due to start nusery in Sep 09 when she hits 3. Enrolment starts a whole year before. That means we have to submit our applications in the next 6 weeks. We visited the first school on Friday morning and went to Disneyland to 'de-stress' in the afternoon.

Little Ching came to visit us on Sat. She is 15 mths old. The last time we saw her she was just 1 mth old. Little Ching is not that little anymore. In fact, she is physically bigger that T. Ching almost managed to push T over when they were playing together.