Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happenings - Week 31, 2008

As expected, the house is alot messier these days as T would pull the toys from her shelves, but may not always put them back before taking another. But its nice to see her really standing in front of the shelf, deciding what to take and enjoying herself with the toys. It would take some time to teach her to put them back without being told to. (She does put away her toys when we ask her to).

Finally summer is really here and it has stopped raining on the weekends. We spent our Saturday mornings at the pool for the last 2 weeks. Its really nice to go there early (9am) when it is less crowded. After some water play, T is now happy to dunk repetatively into the pool (with arm floats on). She would ride on my back holding on to my shoulders and I would swim a few laps with her on my back. I really enjoyed it when I figured out how to do this, as this meant I can actually swim with her at pool and not having to stay at the shallow end playing with water for 2 hrs.
Sorry they don't allow cameras at the pool so no pictures to show.

We went for our first official nursery admission interview this week, will write a separate post on this topic.

Grandma's birthday is on the 4th, and she came to Hong Kong to spend it with us. We had a nice buffet on Sat and last nite T helped to make the blueberry cheesecake that we are having tonight. I am so proud that T can really take instructions well to crush the biscuit for cake base, press down the crushed biscuit to line the cake tin, squash the cream cheese to make it smooth, push the berries on the top of the cake to decorate. I think grandma will be more proud to eat the cake that her grand daughter made for her. Its a pity I wasn't able to video this down, as my hands were also dirty with butter, cheese and what nots. But we will take picture of the cake tonite and post later.