Following up on our trip to the zoo last month, we worked on the theme of animals these 2 weeks. We watched some videos about animals and talked about them. I home made some animals matching cards to play with. I found photos (I realised that it makes more sense to work with real photos than cartoon pictures when learning about stuff) on the internet of various animals and paired them by adult animal and baby animal. We also printed the name on the adult and baby animal at the bottom on the photos (Eg. kangaroo vs joey, cat vs kitten, cow vs calf). This way, T can learn a few more words and when doing the matching. She has to be more observant on the similarities of the animals (a kitten looks very much like a tiger cub without its stripes) (the size, shape and colour of a hippo and rhino loost very alike too) Daddy plays this matching game with her too and they will learn the cantonese names of these animals. All 3 of us enjoys this name alot. Again I am a proud mummy when she says "Hippopotamus"
Rambling : I really felt very "auntie" when I was trimming the self laminated cards on my bus ride home. But kept telling myself its better to make use of the time on the bus journey despite the stares from the onlookers, rather than to take time off with T just to cut and trim these cards.