This is the 2nd week of school. But as there are some public holidays this week, there was only 3 school days. T is not handling school so well and both she and I are kinda stressed about the situation. Will blog about it later when things hopefully take turn for the better.
On the brighter side here's what we have done at home this week :
We have progressed to play with 2 sets of Montessori cylinder blocks at the same time. I am amazed by how she tries to simplify the problem by first completing the easiest set, before moving on to work with the more difficult one.
Recently, T has a craze for Minnie Mouse. So this weekend we made Minnie cookies. She had a blast playing with the flour, dough and cookie stamps. At one point she was powdering my neck and face with flour.
It is so amazing how children learn by just observing. I wanted to teach T how to gurgle and rinse her mouth, but didn't have any idea how to show her what goes on within the closed mouth. Anyway, after 2 weeks of drinking tap water, she finally figured out how to spit out the water instead of drinking it. Here's a clip of her rinsing her mouth and washing her hands after eating.
5 years ago