Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Montessori - Practical Life Skills - Identifying Colours

This is my own modified version to fit the abilities and interest of T. For the official method, may refer to this link

I recall I have some colourful plastic utensils stored away. The plastic balls from the playhouse daddy bought recently would fit nicely into these bowls.

Lesson 1 - Learning the names of the colours
Place empty bowls on floor. Mummy holds 1 ball in hand. Shows ball to T.
Mum : What colour is this?
T answers (or keeps quiet, it doesn't matter)
Mum : this is blue colour, please put it in the blue bowl.
Passes ball to T.
T places in bowl accordingly. Mummy says Thank you and gives a kiss.
Repeats with another colour until all bowls are filled.
To increase the difficulty a little, we then turned the bowls over and T has to gently place and balance the ball at the base of the turned over bowls. This will train her to control her strenght.

Lesson 2 : Sorting Colours
As T gets the idea that the ball and the bowl has to match in colour, we then moved on to play colour sorting. I would deliberately put the balls of the wrong colours in the bowls and she will have to do the job of sorting them out correctly. You can start out simple by just jumbling up 2 colours, then move on to more. It is fun to see her facial expression of how she trys to work out which goes where. And even more funny when she takes in her little hand more balls than she can hold and tries hard to grip them in her arms while she sorts them out.